World Window

Wizard of Oz Summary:

We tested our nursing home wall idea. Two specific things that we were wondering and wanted to learn about with these prototypes were:

In addition to that, we also wanted to generally see what features users expected to be there as they interacted with our app.

The raw data we collected during the wizard of oz testing is below. Here is what we learned:

Instead, during our sessions with our mentor Brynn, we heavily explored the underlying needs of both the cadaver lab and nursing home users and came up with many unique approaches to solving their needs with gestures. Thus, we decided to deep dive into both environments for our prototyping and will ultimately pick one focus next week. The two areas and summaries of our resulting prototypes are below:

As a result of that, discovered that there were significant problems with each of the things we prototyped and, instead, we should focus our app down, eliminating most of the features and navigation required and keying in on the notions of physical presence of family members and the desire to see what's going on in family members' lives. We made another wizard of oz prototype of that new version, and that seemed to work much better.

Full featured prototypes

People focused prototypes

Sample of data collected: